Comic for Thursday, Oct 11, 2018


Posted October 11, 2018 at 12:00 am

Bouncy Justin on Patreon

Poll Description - Busty Female Justin doing his best to sell more comic books

As far as on a regular basis is concerned, Justin has less than no interest in assuming a female form.

In the context of turning the heads of heterosexual men and getting people to eagerly buy more from the mysterious "new employee who likes to bounce up and down a lot", however, Justin is very occasionally eager to spend a brief time transformed.

In regard to his tendency to jump up and down with unusual frequency while transformed, Justin's not entirely sure what's attractive about women, but he knows that seems to work. That, and he finds it fun to jump around, and would normally act more reserved.

Of course, nearly every customer is well aware that "Justine" is Justin, for it is incredibly obvious. They know better than to say anything when she's behind the counter, however, and to buy a bit more than normal to make certain she'll return.

