Comic for Monday, Sep 5, 2011


Posted September 5, 2011 at 1:00 am
Even if it wasn't a holiday in the US, I would more than likely be falling back on a sketchbook today. I decided I wanted to do some rewriting of the script, and as you can probably deduce from the sketchbook, it... has been a bit difficult.

This would be so much easier if they were fighting a mongoose. Mongoose fights are easy to write. You just start with "And there was a mongoose" and go from there. It might seem odd to start with the word "and", but trust me. That's how all great literature that involve mongoose fights begin.

In any case, the story will resume Tuesday. Enjoy your holiday! Unless you're not on holiday. I know I'm not. I'm going to be spending the entire day making comics. I don't think that counts.

