- The mental battle to unlock the memory
Part of me felt like there should be way more hesitancy, just in general, to enter Hope's home.
Why? Because frankly, if Hope wasn't actually who she claimed to be, and this was a trap, IT WOULD BE ONE HECK OF A TRAP.
Ultimately, I decided between Sarah, Tedd, and Susan feeling pretty confident about Hope (for various reasons, including the expectation of Pandora's return), the explanations already given, and the vow in particular, that it would be more annoying than on-point to devote any more time having anyone (Jay) be hesitant about entering.
Basically, I decided once Sarah and Grace had gone in, that was that. Suspicion of the room was effectively dealt with while explaining the room.
Given infinite panels and/or an animated version, however, Jay totally would have at least had a moment's hesitancy before crossing the threshold.