Comic for Friday, Nov 20, 2015


Posted November 20, 2015 at 5:08 pm

I found myself with three total problems as of two comics ago:

1 - Grace had little actual interest in designing an MV5 form to begin with, even less upon realizing the focus would be on a "manly" form, and she has a motive to stay on the sidelines anyway given that she wants Ellen and Sarah to spend time together and reconnect.

2 - While Ellen and Sarah are both willing to do this, without Grace, discussing MV5 naturally turned into awkward discussion that wouldn't really go anywhere fast.

3 - They really did need some way of communicating exactly what they want in a way that makes it clear not only to each other, but to everyone reading the story.

Then this solution occurred to me, and Beethoven's Ode to Joy started playing in my head.

